Winter sowing is a fun and easy way to start seeds outside during the winter. Seeds are sown in miniature greenhouses made from recycled plastic containers, and then put outside in the snow and freezing cold. The rest of the work is left to Mother Nature. Once the weather starts to warm in the spring, the seeds will germinate at their own pace, just as in nature. Sounds cool, right? It gets better…
Since the winter sown containers go outside, they don’t take up space in the house. With winter sowing, there’s no need to sterilize seedling flats and trays, you don’t need any special equipment (like lights or heat mats), there’s no risk of the seedlings damping off, and no need to harden them off. Plus, winter sown seedlings are hardier and more robust than seeds sown indoors, which means they have a much higher survival rate. Wow! Are you ready to try winter sowing? Get Busy Gardening has produced this wonderful Step-by-Step Guide. Read more.