Showing posts with label Vegetables. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vegetables. Show all posts

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Trowel Talk July 15, 2021

Trowel Talk Newsletter July 15, 2021

 The Trowel Talk Newsletter July 15, 2021 is now available, brought to you by the Master Gardeners of Ottawa Carleton and Lanark County. This month it contains articles on:

  • Successive Planting, provides tips and tricks to keep your garden producing all season long.
  • When is my garlic ready to harvest shows what to look for when determining if your garlic is ready to be harvested.
  • Solving Garden Questions is a tongue in cheek look at life as a Master Gardener at an advice clinic.
  • Pollinator Tips for the summer gardeners to encourage pollinators to visit your gardens all season
  • Gardeners Beware continues our invasive plant series with a look at English Ivy and the damage it can do to your home.
  • Ask a Master Gardener answers the questions:
    • Why is my variegated euonymus turning green?
    • How do I get rid of Creeping Bellflower?
We hope you enjoy this newsletter and hope you will share it with your friends. If you would like to have it delivered to your email inbox, send a request to

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Edible Garden Newsletter September 2018

Lanark County Master Gardeners
The Edible Garden Newsletter September 2018 is now available.  Our feature article focuses on helping your trees and shrubs survive the drought, such as we have had this summer.  Many of our favorite edibles, Apples, Cherries, Plums, Chokecherries, Hazel nuts and Currants grow on these woody plants.  We have likely all heard of Green Manure.  We follow one gardener as she attempts a green manure crop.  One of our Master Gardeners discusses her experience of being Armchair Mayor and her idea to make Ottawa a bee-friendly city.  We finish up this edition with a book review on "The Complete Mushroom Hunter", an illustrated guide to foraging, harvesting and enjoying wild mushrooms, by author Gary Lincoff.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Tomato Plant Disease

Ask a Vegetable Gardener, if you could grow only one plant, what would it be. Tomatoes is the overwhelming answer. How do you protect these favorites from disease? Tomato Plant Disease: How to identify and control tomato diseases

Monday, January 1, 2018

Edible Garden Newsletter January 2018

Lanark County Master Gardeners
Edible Garden Newsletter January 2018 is now here.  This is the time of year when vegetable gardeners pour over the seed catalogues to determine what to plant.  How long are my tomato seeds viable?  Is there anyway I can check if they are still viable. How should I store my seeds if I once again, over order.  Find out here.  We all know that some vegetables like to be planted near each other while others do not want to be anywhere near each other.  This month we feature an article on companion planting with a handy chart that shows who likes each other and who does not.  Who knew that cabbage likes to be near Bush Beans but does not like being near Pole Beans.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Edible Garden Newsletter October 2017

Lanark County Master Gardeners
Edible Garden Newsletter October 2017 focuses on growing Currants, shrubs and fruits that are as beautiful as they are edible.  We also look at a popular garden myth, the use of Epsom Salts to improve plant vigour.  Finally, we discuss the value in growing plants from Heritage Seeds.

Friday, September 1, 2017

Edible Garden Newsletter September 2017 ***Repost***

Lanark County Master Gardeners
The Edible Garden Newsletter September 2017 features an article that evaluates the favourite Heritage Tomatoes of the eighty the author has grown over the past 15 years.  She discusses tomato terminology and describes the history behind that particular tomato.  Bees are all the buzz in Horticultural circles and this month we describe various ways you can get your garden Bee Certified.  Finally an article on the Legacy of the Three Sisters.

Edible Garden Newsletter September 2017

Lanark County Master Gardeners
The Edible Garden Newsletter September 2017 features an article that evaluates the favourite Heritage Tomatoes of the eighty the author has grown over the past 15 years.  She discusses tomato terminology and describes the history behind that particular tomato.  Bees are all the buzz in Horticultural circles and this month we describe various ways you can get your garden Bee Certified.  Finally an article on the Legacy of the Three Sisters.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Edible Garden Newsletter April 2017

Lanark County Master Gardeners
The Edible Garden Newsletter April 2017 focuses on starting seeds and growing vegetables that are adapted to cool starts.  We take you from starting a few seeds through to Vegetable gardens that have the real "Wow" factor.  We show you how you can avoid laying out big bucks for plant starting equipment by using  items from your recycle bin and even how to make soil blocks so you can avoid pots completely.  Finally, we continue our Pollinator Series with an article about Spring Plants for Bees.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Seedy Sunday Perth March 6 2016

Seedy Sunday Lnark Master Gardeners
Come out to the Perth Legion for Seedy Sunday March 6. Bring seeds to share or come to get some. Free Seeds and check out the Seed Vendors. Gardening Seminars and workshops are available.  Lanark County Master Gardeners will be there all day to answer any gardening questions.  Stop by and say Hello.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Edible Garden Newsletter December 2015

Lanark County Master Gardeners - Edible Garden Newsletter December 2015
It is December.  Gardening season is so far away.  What is a gardener to do?  Get ready to start your seedlings indoors.  This month we focus on what you need to grow your own seedlings, Read more

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Saving Tomato Seeds

Nothing tastes better than home grown tomatoes.  If you grew heritage or open pollinated tomatoes this year and found a tomato that you really loved, why not save money and ensure you can find the seed next year by saving seeds now.  The process is simple.  Read more

Monday, June 29, 2015

Broccoli for Thanksgiving--Start Seeds NOW!

If you wish to have broccoli for Thanksgiving dinner [Canadian] plant seeds last week of June, transplant August long weekend and harvest in October. If buying brassica seedlings at a nursery in July or  August be sure to check that they are young vigorous growing plants. Do not purchase if they look stunted as they will not produce.
Kale: harvest bottom leaves, leaving the crown. You will be able to harvest till mid October or longer.  Cool [frost] weather enhances the taste.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

How to Grow Sweet Potatoes

Sweet Potatoes are tasty, nutritious and can grow in our climate.  To learn how, read more.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Edible Garden Newsletter March 2015

Do you want to grow your own fresh herbs?  Get your kids interested in gardening?  Read our March 2015 edition of the Edible Garden Newsletter.  All this and Garden tips, book reviews, recipes and more.  Read more

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Edible Garden Newsletter February 2015

The February 2015 Edible Garden Newsletter is now available.  This month we focus on small, soft fruits from your old favorites--raspberries, strawberries and blueberries to some of the more unusual--Haskap and Goji berries and hardy Kiwis.  Book reviews, recipes, Gardening tips and more.  Check it out!  Read more

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Inviting Spring in--A Guide to Starting Seeds Indoors

Do you want to get a jump start on Spring?  Consider growing some of your own transplants.  Do you ever wonder when you should start your seeds indoors and out?  To find out, Read more.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Edible Garden Newsletter January 2015

The January 2015 Newsletter features articles on Crop Rotation and Growing Edibles and Ornamentals in the same bed, interesting Did you knows, recipes and book reviews.  Check it out and tell us what you think.  Read more

Friday, December 12, 2014

Easy Roast Vegetables

Root vegetables are a staple of the winter diet, whether you get them from your cold storage or from the grocery store.  Roasting these vegetables enhances the flavour and is a welcome addition to any meal.  They are nutritious, tasty and low calorie.  Read more

Monday, December 1, 2014

Edible Garden Newsletter December 2014

This edition of the Edible Garden Newsletter shows how one gardener plans Christmas Dinner from this summer's Vegetable Garden.  Also, learn about the benefits of Companion Planting.  Recipes, Book Reviews, Gift Suggestions and more.  Read on

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Seed Catalogues Now Available!

Today, I received my first seed catalogue of the season.  This year it was Stokes who led the pack.  So many new varieties and plants to try.  Veseys Catalogues and all the rest cannot be too far behind.  If you are not on a seed catalogue mailing list order one or more for yourself.  Do you have a favorite seed company?

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