Showing posts with label February. Show all posts
Showing posts with label February. Show all posts

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Trowel Talk Newsletter February 15, 2025


Trowel Talk February 15, 2025

Trowel Talk Newsletter for February 15, 2025 is now available, brought to you by the Master Gardeners of Ottawa Carleton and Lanark County. This issue contains the following articles:

  • Downsizing ideas for senior gardeners;
  • Bonsai: The art of miniaturized trees;
  • Yes, Wasps are a gardening friend;
  • Plant Books by Indigenous authors.
Our Master Gardeners answer the question about dealing with dead lawn under birdfeeders.
Learn where you can find Master Gardeners at Talks and Events in Eastern Ontario and all about the Master Gardener Lecture series with Friends of Central Experimental Farm.

Email us at to subscribe to the newsletter.

Photo by Tim Deslippe of Carpet Juniper bonzai plant.

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Trowel Talk Newsletter February 15, 2024


Trowel Talk Newsletter February 15, 2024

Trowel Talk Newsletter February 15, 2024 is now available brought to you by the Master Gardeners of Ottawa Carleton and Lanark County. This issue contains  articles on the following topics:

  • Architectural Plants.
  • Bur Oak.
  • Oak Wilt in Ontario.
  • Cutting Tools: A Cut Above.
  • Wild Strawberry.
Our Master Gardeners answer the following questions:
  • Should I focus on buying organic seeds?
  • Why is my rabbit's foot fern not thriving?
To receive the newsletter in your inbox each month, email me at

Photo by Kim Allen of granddaughter, Rosie visiting and helping with the harvest. Children who help in the garden tend to eat more vegetables.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Trowel Talk Newsletter February 15, 2023

Trowel Talk Newsletter February 15, 2022

Trowel Talk Newsletter February 15, 2023 is now available brought to you by the Master Gardeners of Ottawa Carleton and Lanark County. This month's issue contains articles on:

  • Interpreting your garden through Botanical Art.
  • Gardening for Nature: Ecoregion Five.
  • Gardening for Birds: Planting for Woodpeckers.
  • Native Plant: Sanguinaria canadensis.
Ask a Master Gardener answers these questions:
  • Will this early though then deep freeze harm my bulbs that have poked up?
  • How and when should I prune my tropical hibiscus?
Photo by Dale Odorizzi Woodpeckers only peck in wood to find insects. Your tree is already dying by the time they start working on it. Two Pileated Woodpeckers are disappointed to find their tree cut down.

If you would like to receive the newsletter each month in your email inbox, send a message to

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Trowel Talk February 15, 2022


Trowel Talk February 15, 2021

Trowel Talk Newsletter for February 15, 2022 is now available, brought to you by the Master Gardeners of Ottawa Carleton and Lanark County. This month's issue contains articles on:

  • Connecting the Dots: The Wonders of the Common Polka Dot Plant.
  • When do I Start Seeds?
  • Shady Site Challenge: Can a Pollinator Garden Grow Here?
  • Homemade Vinegars from the Garden.
  • Gardeners' Beware: Creeping bellflower.
  • Ask a Master Gardener column answers questions about Orchids and ground covers to grow along the road allowance.
Photo by Master Gardener Kelly Noel

Want to receive this newsletter in your inbox each month? Send your info to lanarkmg@gmailcom

Monday, February 15, 2021

Trowel Talk Newsletter February 15, 2021

Lanark County Master Gardeners

The Trowel Talk Newsletter February 15, 2021, brought to you by the Master Gardeners of Lanark County and Ottawa Carleton is now available. This month, we feature articles on the following topics:

  • Hello Aloe--Describes the medicinal properties of the plant and provides tips on growing this succulent, year after year.
  • My Kingdom for a Clivia--This is a breathtaking house plant that originates in South Africa. It is not widely available but does often pop up at Plant Sales or even in supermarkets.
  • Gardener Beware: Bugleweed--Many of the plants we grow in our ornamental beds turn out to be very invasive. We are starting this new feature, Gardener Beware, to identify these plants and provide for suggestions for bringing Native plants into your garden as substitute.
  • A Winter Garden for Birds--Nothing enlivens a winter gardenlike birds. This article discusses plants that will attract Birds, all winter long.
  • Ask a Master Gardener--When should I start seeds indoors? and Are leftover seeds still good?
  • Book Review--The Well-Gardened Mind: The Restorative Power of Nature by Sue Stuart-Smith.
After a year of no Master Gardener events, we are pleased to announce Master Gardener virtual appearances at local Horticultural Societies. Check with the host organization for registration details. 

You are welcome to share this newsletter with your friends. If you would like to subscribe to our newsletter, send an email to

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Edible Garden Newsletter February 2020

Lanark County Master Gardeners
The Edible Garden Newsletter February 2020 is now available.  In this month's issue, we discuss the pros and cons of growing the various varieties of currants.  They are nutritious and delicious but are also the first step on the process that leads to Pine Blister Rust.  February is the time when people's minds turn to starting seeds.  While it is still too early to start your tomato seeds, it is a wonderful time to get prepared for the big day.  Do you like Pesto? Read on for delicious and different approaches to making Pesto that you love, including using Garlic Scapes.  Finally learn all about the benefits of worm castings (poop)!
However, in our northern forests, Mor soils predominate.  These are soils in which organic matter is practically unmixed with mineral soils below that are more or less matted or compacted.  The forest floor is covered in organic matter, also called detritus, duff and the O horizon.  Within three or four years after introduction, Earthworms can transform Mor soils to mull soils where the organic and mineral layers are mixed.  They can remove the duff layer, disrupting plants whose roots feed in that organic layer.  Plants like spikenard, Solomon's Seal, Bellwort, Nodding Trillium, Large flowered Trillium and Goblin Fern begin to dissipate.  Tree species shift and Invasive shrubs like European Buckthorn and Honeysuckle benefit and thrive and ecosystem disruption ensues.
What on earth(worm) can I do?
Some simple ways to help stop the spread of earthworms and protect our soils in Ontario's Forest Ecosystems are:
    • avoid transporting soils, leaves, mulch, and compost to different areas
    • wash the treads of your vehicles and shoes when moving from one area to another
    • throw unused bait in the trash, not on land or water.

Friday, February 1, 2019

Edible Garden Newsletter February 2019

Lanark County Master Gardeners
The Edible Garden Newsletter February 2019 is now available.  This month we explore the world below our feet with a look at fungus.  We focus on two broad groups--mycorrhizal fungi and endomycorrhizal fungi.  These are magical organisms that can dramatically improve your soil and plant health and increase yields.  Do you live in an apartment or hate to go outside in the winter to empty your kitchen scraps into your composter then you might be ready to take up Vermicomposting pictured above).  Finally, how about trying a new (old) kind of beans, Indian Woman Yellow Beans.  They are delicious.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Edible Garden Newsletter February 2018

Lanark County Master Gardeners
The Edible Garden Newsletter February 2018 is now here.  The days are finally starting to get longer and gardeners are planning what they can plant indoors to get a faster start when spring arrives.  In this issue we discuss lighting, whether it is from a sunny window or from grow lights and how you can use it to get your plants off to an excellent start.  If you are planting your vegetable garden in containers or on a balcony, we have some helpful tips.  Although the days are getting longer, we still have more winter left and it is a great time to experiment with using the parts of your vegetables you would normally put in the compost bin to grow more.  Finally, a housebound gardener tells of a Fava Bean experiment that led to a delicious soup.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Edible Garden Newsletter February 2017

Lanark County Master Gardeners
Edible Garden Newsletter February 2017 As any gardener dealing with the vagaries of weather and pest infestations can tell you, our natural world is a complex system! Repeating or cyclical patterns make it a little easier to understand. Cyclical events in nature range from daily cycles of light and dark to millennia-long cycles in the tilt and wobble of the earth, which affect how much sunlight and heat reaches our planet. The study of these cyclical events in nature, their causes and relation-ship to other natural phenomena, particularly weather and climate, is called phenology. We also introduce a new, ongoing feature on pollinators.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Seedy Saturday and Seedy Sunday

Lanark County Master Gardeners Seedy
Seedy Saturdays and Sundays take place across Canada in January February and March.  Many are free admittance and all are fun. You can swap and exchange seeds and buy seeds from suppliers.  Meet with fellow gardeners.  Many Seedy days have free gardening seminars.  In Lanark County, your local Master Gardener group is on hand to answer your gardening questions. In Almonte, join us on Saturday February 9 at the Almonte Civitan Club from 9 am to 3 pm and in Perth on Sunday March 2 at the Perth Civitan Club.  Read more.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Edible Garden Newsletter February 2016

Lanark County Master Gardener Edible Garden  February 2016
Edibles on the rise--How high can we go? Save space and grow your plants up.  Transform sterile roofs of high rise buildings into thriving gardens,  Also, what the heck are Cardoon and May Pops?  Read all about it in the February Edible Garden Newsletter.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Seedy Saturday Almonte

Lanark County Master Gardeners Seedy Saturday Almonte
Seedy Saturday Almonte on February 20th 9-3 at the Almonte Civitan Hall.  Admission is $2.  Bring any seeds, gardening books and supplies to swap.  Learn about and purchase heirloom, organic, open pollinated seeds and plants.  Participate in presentations on garden extending, hoop house techniques, square foot planting, plant breeding and more.  Stop by to meet the seed, plant and food producers from in and around Almonte.  Brought to you by the Beyond the Garden Gate.  Sponsored by Neighbourhood Tomato with support from Almonte and District Horticultural Society, Mississippi Mills Public Library and Seed Lending Library, Lanark County Master Gardeners, Canadian Organic Growers and Seeds of Diversity Canada.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Edible Garden Newsletter February 2015

The February 2015 Edible Garden Newsletter is now available.  This month we focus on small, soft fruits from your old favorites--raspberries, strawberries and blueberries to some of the more unusual--Haskap and Goji berries and hardy Kiwis.  Book reviews, recipes, Gardening tips and more.  Check it out!  Read more

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Inviting Spring in--A Guide to Starting Seeds Indoors

Do you want to get a jump start on Spring?  Consider growing some of your own transplants.  Do you ever wonder when you should start your seeds indoors and out?  To find out, Read more.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Edible Garden Newsletter February 2014

February 2014 issue of the Edible Garden is here.  Its feature article details growing your own transplants, including a schedule and timing for planting into the garden.

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