Showing posts with label Articles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Articles. Show all posts

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Rose Sawfly

What are those caterpillars that are eating my roses plants?  They aren't caterpillars, they are Rose Sawfly Larvae.  Read more

Gardening and the Pesticide Ban

With the introduction of the ban on the use of cosmetic pesticides, gardening has become more difficult for the home gardener in Ontario.  How can we keep our gardens beautiful and productive?  Read more

Early Blight on Tomatoes

Why are my tomato leaves getting ugly brown splotches?  What can I do about it?  Read more

How to Divide Perennials

Perennials thrive on division.  Read more

Penny Pinching Gardener

How can you have a beautiful perennial garden without breaking the bank?  Read more

Multiply your Perennials by Division

Dividing your perennials not only improves the health of your perennials, it also helps to increase your stock.  Read more.

Microclimates in your Yard

Have you ever gone out one door and found it warm and sunny and then out another door and found in shady and cool?  That is because your yard has microclimates.  What are they and how can your use them to your advantage?  Read more

Lawn Care without Pesticides

With the Ontario Governments ban on the use of cosmetic pesticides, many home owners are struggling to keep their lawns beautiful.  How can you do it?  Read more.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Growing Orchids

Orchids are now available almost everywhere.  Can you grow one at home?  Read on.

Ten Golden Rules of House Plant Care

Doyou have trouble growing houseplants?  Read on

African Violets--Identifying Problems

Does your African Violet look sick?  Read on to identify what might be causing it its problems.

Growing Amaryllis and Getting it to Bloom Again

Most of us buy our Amaryllis in November, bring it to bloom and then toss it.  Read on to learn how you can get it to bloom again!

Not Really Violets

African Violets are not really violets but they are from Africa.  Read more about this favorite houseplant.

Growing Lavender

Lavender thrives in poor soil conditions.  For tips on growing this aromatic herb, read on

Cilantro--Love it or hate it!

Cilantro is actually 2 crops in one--the leafy cilantro and the Coriander seed.  Read more to learn about these wonderful herbs.

Growing Mustard

Mustard is one of the earliest herbs known to man.  To grow it in your garden, read more.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Winter Mulching

We often think about putting mulch around our plants in the spring.  In fact can be even more important to apply mulch to protect our plants in the winter.  Read more

Thursday, January 2, 2014

What do you do with your Poinsettia after Christmas?

Your Poinsettia added beauty to your home all Christmas season long.  What do you do with it now?  Read more

Christmas Tree--Real or Fake?

Can't decide whether to buy a real Christmas Tree or a Fake one?  Read on to help decide.

Soil Deficiency Symptoms

We gardeners often spend our time testing our soil and wondering what is wrong with my plant.  Quite often, if you look closely at your plant, it will tell you what your soil is lacking.  Read more

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